Lone Star Quail/Pheasant Forever Tower Shoot
When: Saturday March 6th , 2021
Where: Upland Bird Country, Corsicana TX.
Time: 8:00am Sign In, Donuts, Coffee, and Safety Discussion
Skeet Shoot after Lunch for participants
What is it? Pheasants are thrown from a tower to shooters in 20 positions that range from 75 to 150 yards. Each Station is occupied by up to two shooters. Shooters rotate after each shooting period. During the shoot, each shooter rotates completely around the tower.
What’s Included: Lot’s of pheasants to shoot at! Barbecue lunch, and a tower shoot after lunch. Birds are cleaned and divided equally.
What to bring: Your Shotgun! 12 gauge with full choke is recommended. Recommended shells are 2 ¾ “ ¼ dram and no shot larger than #5 allowed. A cooler for the birds and your Texas hunting license.
Cost: $450 per hunter. Minimum of 20 hunters and a maximum of 40.