Quail Forever Youth Pollinator Event
/The Lone Star chapter of Quail Forever hosted Boy Scout Troop 293 for the first ever Texas Youth Pollinator event June 11th at the Texas Independent Birds Hunters Association training grounds in Anna, TX. TIBHA is dedicated to the improvement of habitat for Bobwhite Quail. The training grounds are used to train and host competitions for bird dogs along with promoting and sharing the outdoor experience with the local community.
We had a fantastic day with a dozen scouts, troop leaders, and Lone Star chapter members all working together to plant an acre of habitat and educate the scouts on the importance ofpollinators.
The group planted a combination of Showy Blackland Mix & Wildflower Mix which was comprised of 17 species that is dominant with native grasses and wildflowers. This mix is to copy what was native to the Blacklands of Texas in which the training grounds sits.
After the planting of habitat Laura McIver, Texas Representative of Quail Forever gave a interactive presentation on pollinators, followed by several activities in the field to involve and educate the scouts on plants, insects, pollinators and the importance of each to Quail survival.
We all shared in a lunch provided by the Lone Star chapter as we listened to thunder nearby and took pleasure in a good day’s work. The scouts of Troop 293 and their leadership team were fantastic partners in this habitat improvement project.
To cap it off we had several rains on the newly planted habitat that afternoon and the following days!
Jason Erwin, Youth Director Lone Star Chapter
Boy scout troop planting seeds